Look up free Dallas County arrest records today with the help of several official sources outlined in this article. To run a quick and efficient search, citizens will need to know what information to have prior and where to look.
Use the tools and details mentioned and linked throughout this brief resource to streamline your search for arrest records in Dallas County, Texas, and find any sentencing or custody details you’re looking for.
How To Acquire Recent Dallas County Arrest Records, Inmate Details & Mugshots for Free
Within Dallas County, any citizen can freely search for recent arrest records. As a result of the Texas Public Information Act (PIA), citizens can request for government public records at any time they want. However, some records are not open to the public.
Documents such as juvenile offender records and child abuse investigations will not be disclosed to the public in order to protect sensitive information.
Arrest records in Dallas County can be acquired through the sheriff’s office. The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office offers a Jail Lookup System that can be used to search for arrest records.1 The search has 3 available options: Search by Prisoner Info, Search by Booking Number or Search by Case Number.
To achieve the most accurate and relevant results, it is crucial to provide key details about the offender when conducting a search. Essential information includes the individual’s complete legal name, gender, race, and precise date of birth. Ensure that the retrieved records pertain to the right person of interest.
Navigate the search results and locate the specific information you require. Records obtained can be verified by contacting the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office at 214.761.9025 or visiting the below address:
Dallas County Sheriff’s Office
133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, LB 31
Dallas, TX 75207
Additionally, citizens looking to find arrest records will be able to do so by making use of the Dallas County Clerk’s services. The county clerk is in charge of several online forms through which searchers can view informational copies of arrest records.
Individuals can search for county and district court case information using Dallas County’s Online Courts Portal.2

While citizens only need the defendant’s name or record number to run a search for court records, they will be able to narrow down the results by using the advanced filter option. The information needed to run a more specific search can be found below:
- Location
- Search using Party Name/Nickname/Business Name/Sounds Like
- FBI Number (if applicable)
- SO (Sex Offender) Number
- Booking Number
- Case Type
- Case Status
- Case Start & End Dates
- Judicial Officer
Similarly, citizens looking for felony or misdemeanor records can use the Court Records Portal.3 Both district and county clerks are in charge of the information present on the portal. In order to start the search, citizens will need to add a case number.
In order to run a more specific search for the same records, searchers can also use the Criminal Background Search Portal.4 In this form, individuals will be asked the following information:
- Last Name (Required)
- First & Middle Name
- Name Type
- Defendant
- Bondsman
- Defense Attorney
- Race
- Sex
- Date of Birth (DOB)
- Number Type
- Cases
- Bonds
- Case Information
- Pending
- Disposed
While searching for records online is free, citizens will have to pay in order to receive copies of the records. Moreover, requesting copies of records can be done either through the Dallas County Clerk or District Clerk and this can be done through email or in-person.
The service fees for requesting copies through the county clerk are $1 per page. In case certifications are requested, it will cost an additional $5. More information on the service fees can be found on the county clerk’s Payment & Fees information page.
Citizens can contact the county clerk for record copies via the following details:
Dallas County Clerk
ATTN: Central Records
George L. Allen, Sr: Courts Building
600 Commerce Street, B-1
Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: 214-653-7099
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 4 PM
On the other hand, the district clerk charges are slightly different. Each paper copy of records will cost $1/page and a certification will also cost $5/document. However, if an individual requests electronic copies, it will cost $1/page for the first 10 pages, and $0.1/page after that.
For detailed information about the district clerk’s fees, searchers can go through the official fee schedule.5

Individuals can request for official copies through the Dallas County District Clerk using the following details:
Dallas County District Clerk
Frank Crowley Courts Bldg.,
133 N. Riverfront Blvd. (2nd Fl. between Jury Room & Cashier Windows)
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: 214.653.5950
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Citizens should note that before sending an email to the District Clerk, they must fill and attach the Criminal Records Request Form.6

Citizens residing within Dallas City can access arrest records through the Police Offense Incidents Records Portal.7

However, the portal only includes records post June 1, 2014. Moreover, the following records will not be available:
- Sexually Oriented Offenses
- Juvenile Records
The information needed to run a search on the records portal can be found below:
- DPD (Dallas Police Department) Incident Number
- Type of Offense
- Dates (From & To)
- Location
- Complainant
Moreover, searchers can also use the Dallas Police Department’s Arrest Records Search to look for incident cases. In this form, individuals will only need the DPD (Dallas Police Department) incident number and arrested date.
Similarly, the search for copies of arrest records can also be completed by visiting the Dallas Police Department in person. Citizens should keep in mind that copies of records will cost $0.10/page. If citizens want the records to be mailed to them, it will cost $0.50/page.
The Dallas Police Department can be visited using the following information:
Dallas Police Department – Open Records Unit
1400 S. Lemar
Dallas, Texas 75215
Phone: 214-671-3148
Fax: 214-671-4636
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 3 PM
Oftentimes, government agencies will also use third-party services such as VINELink to provide public records. These services are often used to run paid, state-wide searches.
Citizens looking for prior arrest records can use the following section to run their searches.
How To Look Up Prior Crimes & Arrests Made in Dallas County Texas
Curious parties looking to find details on arrests that have been made can turn to the Dallas County Jail Lookup System.

This portal will provide information on all inmates within the Dallas County Jail. The information required in this portal is as follows:
- Full Name (Required)
- Date of Birth
- Race (Required)
- Sex (Required)
- Booking Number (Required)
- Case Number (Required)
The Dallas County Jail is split up into five different detention centers. In order to view physical records, citizens can visit the Dallas County Detention Centers using the following information:
Lew Sterrett Justice Center
111 West Commerce Street
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: 214-875-2460
Working Hours: Open 24/7
North Tower Detention Facility
111 West Commerce Street,
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: 214-761-9025
Working Hours: Open 24/7
West Tower Detention Facility
111 West Commerce Street,
Dallas, Texas 75202
General Phone: 214-653-2902
Working Hours: Open 24/7
Suzanne Lee Kays Detention Facility
111 West Commerce Street,
Dallas, Texas 75202
General Phone: 214-653-2902
Working Hours: Open 24/7
George Allen Jail
600 Commerce Street,
Dallas, TX 75202
General Phone: 214-653-2902
Working Hours: Open 24/7
Moreover, individuals seeking arrest records can explore the Criminal Case Records Search Portal provided by the Dallas County Court. To utilize this resource, individuals should follow the steps provided above to retrieve criminal case records. If records are not available online, it is good to consider reaching out to the county and district court at the address provided.
Similarly, citizens residing in Dallas City can use the Police Department’s online records portal to find arrest records.8 The information required in this portal is mentioned in the previous section.
Citizens can also visit the police department via the following details:
Dallas Police Department
Open Records Unit
1400 S. Lemar
Dallas, Texas 75215
Phone: 214-671-3148
Fax: 214-671-4636
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 3 PM
Curious parties looking to run a statewide search for arrest records can do so via the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The Texas DPS is in charge of a Criminal History Conviction search portal which can be used to find arrest records. To learn about how to run a search on this portal efficiently, searchers should go through the official DPS brief.
It should be noted that citizens will have to make their own account in order to use the portal.9
Individuals can also contact the Texas Department of Public Safety for more information on reviewing arrest records:
Texas Department of Public Safety
ATTN: Crime Records Service
P.O. Box 4143
Austin, Texas 78765
Phone: 855-481-7070
Email: [email protected]
Once citizens have found the relevant arrest records they were looking for, the next step is to post bail. To learn more about the bail system in Dallas, curious individuals should go through the following section.
How To Pay Bail After an Arrest in Dallas County
If an individual has been accused of a crime within Dallas County, they will be arrested and spend their time in jail until their court date. However, the individual may post bail bonds to ensure their temporary release.
By posting bail, the suspect will be released from jail as long as they follow the conditions set by the court. The conditions are timely appearances on given court dates. If the individual does not show up in court, they will have to pay the entire cash bail price.
They will also be arrested immediately. Moreover, the suspect will be liable to face extra charges for not showing up.
In Dallas County, there are three kinds of bonds that individuals can post: Cash bonds, surety bonds or personal recognizance bonds.
When applying for a cash bond, the defendants or anyone on behalf of the defendant will have to pay the whole cash amount listed by the court. As long as the suspect continues to show up in court during court dates, the cash will be refunded to the individual that paid it.
Defendants can also apply for surety bonds through a bail bondsman. A bondsman is an agent who will pay the bail amount if the defendant cannot do so themselves. Suspects are required to pay bondsmen a non-refundable amount before the surety bond is posted.
Lastly, the court can also grant personal recognizance bonds to defendants. This only happens in cases where the court feels that the suspect will not run away before their trial. With a personal recognizance bond, the defendant does not need to pay any amount as long as they promise to appear in court proceedings.
Suspects can post for bail through two ways: Either themselves or through a bail bondsman. Within Dallas County, the bond system is regulated by the Bail Bond Board which can be contacted using the following information:
Bail Bond Board
Frank Crowley Courts Bldg.
133 N. Riverfront Blvd, LB-31
Dallas, Texas 75207
Phone: 214.653.2756, 214.653.2757, 214.653.5807
Fax: 214.712.5009
Working Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
To learn more about how the bail bond board works, searchers can go through the official working manual.
In order to post bail for someone, citizens will have to visit the sheriff’s department in person. If an individual is looking to post a personal bail bond, they will have to fill in the bail bond form before going to the Sheriff.10 Similarly, anyone looking to post a surety bond will have to fill the Dallas County Authorization for Bail Bond Cost form.
After filling the relevant forms, citizens can head to the sheriff’s department via the following details:
Dallas County Sheriff’s Department
Lew Sterrett Justice Center
111 West Commerce St.
Dallas, Texas 75202
Phone: 214-653-2755
Working Hours: Monday – Sunday, Open 24 Hours
In order to submit queries directly, citizens can use the Sheriff’s contact form.11
In order to post for bail in Dallas city, residents will be able to post cash bonds and surety bonds. If the defendant is not in jail, then cash bonds can be obtained from the Dallas Municipal Court. The court can be visited via the following details:
Dallas Municipal Court
2014 Main St.
Dallas, TX 75201-4406
Phone: 214-670-0109
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Tuesday, 7:30 AM – 6 PM
If the defendant is in jail, then cash bonds can be posted through the Dallas Marshal’s Office. Similarly, surety bonds will also be accepted at the Marshal’s office. However, before visiting the office for a surety bond, the bond agency must take the Surety Bail Bond Form with them.12
The contact information for the Dallas County Marshal’s Office can be found below:
Dallas Marshal’s Office
1600 Chestnut Street,
Dallas, Texas 75226
Phone: 214-670-3999
Office Hours: Open 24/7
Thanks to the Public Information Act (PIA), public records are freely accessible for citizens residing within Texas. With the help of this resource, individuals will be able to find Dallas County arrest records by running quick and efficient searches.
1Dallas County Sheriff’s Office. (2024). Dallas County Jail Lookup System. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/jaillookup/searchByName>
2Dallas County Sheriff’s Office. (2024). Dallas County Texas Courts Portal – Smart Search. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://courtsportal.dallascounty.org/DALLASPROD/Home/Dashboard/29#>
3Dallas County & District Clerk. (2024). Public Access to Court Records. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/services/public-access.php>
4Dallas County & District Clerk. (2024). Dallas County Felony and Misdemeanor Courts Case Information. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/criminalBackgroundSearch/>
5Dallas County District Clerk. (2024, January 01). Records Office Service Fee. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/Assets/uploads/docs/district-clerk/fee-schedules/RECORDS-FEES-REVISED-JANUARY-2024.pdf>
6Dallas County District Clerk. (2013). Felony Records Request Form. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/Assets/uploads/docs/district-clerk/FELONY-RECORDS-REQUEST-FORM.pdf>
7Dallas Police Department. (2024). Offense Incidents Records. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <http://www3.dallascityhall.com/publicdata/offense-search.html>
8Dallas Police Department. (2024). Arrest Records. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <http://www3.dallascityhall.com/publicdata/arrest-search.html>
9Texas Department of Public Safety. (n.d.). Create New Account. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://publicsite.dps.texas.gov/ConvictionNameSearch/Account/Create/>
10Dallas County Sheriff’s Department. (2020, August 03). Personal Bail Bond. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/Assets/uploads/docs/courts/criminal_district/283/New-PR-Bond-form-as-of-8.3.2020.pdf>
11Dallas County Sheriff’s Department. (n.d.). Contact – Sheriff Department. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://www.dallascounty.org/departments/sheriff/contact/>
12Dallas Marshal’s Office. (n.d.). Surety Bail Bond. Retrieved March 18, 2024, from <https://dallascityhall.com/departments/courtdetentionservices/DCH%20Documents/2citationForm.pdf>